Unlocking the Synergy: Blockchain and AI in Action

Bart Millican August 19, 2023
Unlocking the Synergy: Blockchain and AI in Action

Actual Use Cases for Blockchain and AI That Are More Than Just Hype

Blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) are more than just buzzwords in the world of technology. These two powerful forces are reshaping our digital landscape in profound ways. With an estimated 66% of the world’s population using the internet daily and an ever-growing Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem, the generation of data has reached unprecedented levels. This data is often compared to the value of oil in the 18th century, making it a highly sought-after resource.

However, the issue of data ownership and privacy has come to the forefront of public discourse. Blockchain, as an open-source distributed ledger, offers a promising solution to store data independently of profit-driven third-party companies. Yet, blockchain’s default transparency poses challenges for safeguarding sensitive information.

Enter artificial intelligence (AI). In an ideal scenario, AI could take the reins of data tracking and analysis, eliminating the need for third-party data brokers. Imagine trusting AI to process data, extract insights, and verify information while respecting privacy. However, the full potential of AI and blockchain remains clouded by hype and uncertainties.

Let’s delve into four practical use cases where the synergy of AI and blockchain can provide consumer-friendly solutions for verification, ownership, and creativity:

1. News Verification

In an era of deep fakes and misinformation, public trust in news sources is crucial. Lisa DeLuca, senior director of engineering at Unstoppable Domains, envisions a system where blockchain technology verifies the source of information. By linking news quotes to public keys, individuals can verify quotes attributed to them. This process could be automated with AI bots, creating a transparent ecosystem where consumers can trust the origin of news.

2. Copyright and Intellectual Property Protection

AI and blockchain can revolutionize copyright protection. Smart contracts on the blockchain could enforce copyright terms automatically, while AI algorithms scan content for potential infringements. This approach provides creators with control over their intellectual property, ensuring they are compensated fairly and their work is used as intended.

3. Interactive NFTs: Enhancing Digital Collectibles

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have taken the art world by storm. When combined with AI, NFTs can become interactive and dynamic. Alethea AI, a pioneer in intelligent NFTs (iNFTs), creates generative NFTs powered by large language models. These iNFTs can have personalities and perform AI services, allowing users to customize their NFTs to showcase their unique interests and skills.

4. Personalized Content Recommendations

AI-powered recommendation systems are already prevalent, but blockchain can enhance privacy and control over personal data. By storing user preferences and interactions on a blockchain, users can have more say in how their data is used for content recommendations. This approach empowers users to curate their online experiences while protecting their privacy.

In conclusion, the convergence of blockchain and AI offers exciting possibilities beyond the hype. From ensuring the authenticity of news to protecting intellectual property and enhancing digital collectibles, these technologies have the potential to reshape various industries. However, it’s essential to navigate this transformative landscape with careful consideration of privacy, transparency, and ethical use of data. The future of blockchain and AI holds great promise for consumers and creators alike.

Bart Millican