Zenit World’s Crypto Wallet: Experience ease with your deposits and withdrawals

Amanda Thibeault September 26, 2023
Zenit World’s Crypto Wallet: Experience ease with your deposits and withdrawals

Cryptocurrency wallets are essential tools for storing, sending, and receiving digital assets. Without a wallet, you cannot access your digital assets or use it to make transactions. In this article, we share how to choose the right crypto wallet, and how to use Zenit World’s Crypto Wallet for better convenience. 

When choosing a crypto wallet, it is important to consider your individual needs and preferences. Some factors to consider include:

Talking about ease of use and cost-effective options, Zenit World’s crypto wallet is a great option for those who are new to the industry. The platform also includes an in-built Fiat Wallet, therefore letting you exchange digital currencies for fiat currencies and vice versa without needing to check other platforms. 

What is the Zenit World project?

Zenit World is a digital currency trading platform that offers a wide range of trading features, including copy trading, digital currency swapping, the ability to stake ZEN tokens, and even a tiered benefits system. The company’s mission is to broaden the horizons of the digital asset economy, promoting deeper recognition of its capabilities.

How to Set Up Your Wallet in Zenit World?


Register on the Zenit World platform and complete your KYC verification. Once you’ve registered yourself, you will automatically be able to store funds, purchase digital assets using USD or EUR, and track all of your transactions in one place, eliminating the need for external exchanges and streamlining the trading process. 

Public, Private Keys

When you log in and navigate to the wallet section, you will be given a unique public key and a private key. The public key is used to receive digital assets, while the private key is used to send it. It is important to keep your private key secret, as anyone who has your private key can access your digital portfolio and do what they wish with your digital assets.

Nearly a decade ago, James Howells, an IT worker, lost over $200 million when he threw a hard drive containing the pass keys to his crypto wallet into the bin. In most cases, losing access to a crypto wallet, whether due to a forgotten passphrase or lost private keys, means that the coins stored in that wallet are effectively inaccessible. The story of James Howells serves as a stark reminder of the importance of safeguarding the private keys of your crypto wallet.

Sending Digital Assets

To send digital assets, you will need to know the public key of the person you are sending the digital currency to. You will also need to specify the amount you want to send.

To receive digital assets, you will need to give the person sending you the digital assets your public key.

Get Zenit World’s Crypto Wallet 

For those who wish to have an extra layer of reliability, perhaps a cold wallet or a paper wallet might be the choice. For those who value convenience and user experience, a software wallet that integrates with a crypto exchange like Zenit World would be ideal.

When choosing a crypto wallet, it is important to consider your individual needs and preferences. Zenit World offers users a fiat wallet as well, making it easier for beginners and experts alike to trade in digital assets, swap different currencies, and deposit and withdraw funds easily. 

Learn more about Zenit World and get access to exclusive content, including its latest White Paper.

Amanda Thibeault