Cheaper than developing unnecessary features

Free plan & trials. No credit card required.

Ideal for collecting and managing feature requests for a small team.

  • Unlimited posts
  • Custom categories
  • Public page customization

For teams needing extra features and customizable boards.

  • Unlimited posts
  • Custom categories
  • Public page customization
  • Whitelabel
  • Custom domain
  • Private changelog


How long does the free trial version last?

7 days, after which access will be closed until payment is made according to the pricing plan.

How to fill out the Changelog?

Currently, the Changelog is filled out manually, and data is displayed using fields that are assigned to each client. You will also receive your own subdomain with the name of your company.

What is the Changelog for?

It is needed to publish all your changes regarding the addition of new features or modifications to existing functionality. It also allows you to post bug fixes and important error corrections. All of this can be published thanks to Solvulate's Changelog.
